Thursday, July 13, 2006

Congratulations Tomek!

Our congratulations go to Tomek, who turned L40 tonight!

This is a huge milestone in a character's career, especially for a Paladin:
- loads of new spells
- the ability to wear plate armour
- ability to summon a mount (Paladin Warhorse)

Screenshots of this momentous occasion, and of Tomek's new armour and mount can be found here.

Tomek has worked especially hard to get to this point (having known him since the early 20's) and the rewards that go along with being L40 are truly well deserved.

For those of you who don't know, I met Tomek in Redridge all that time ago. I was a L20-something struggling with a bothersome Whelpling, and he came to my aid. But unlike most who then carry on with their own things, he offered to help me finish my quest.
And since then, he has done nothing but be there for me in every sticky situation I can think of - putting himself in the line of fire at all times in order to assist me getting to L40 myself.

Tomek: You are one in a million mate. You constantly think of others before yourself, and are always prepared to sacrifice your own goals for those of others.
None of us could think of a more deserving player than your good self, and we will be there for you whenever you are in need, just as you have been for us all this time.

We sincerely hope you enjoy all of your new abilities and items, and wish you the very best of luck, and the most fun time ever, now that you are L40.

Congratulations from us all, and may the Light bless you!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Patch 1.11.2

No doubt you were all as annoyed as I was by Blizzard yet again taking down the servers two hours early for weekly maintenance.
Why do they continue to do that with no notice?

Anyhow, the news ain't all bad. If you login during downtime (now) you get the following notice:

That's right, the new patch.

After entering the game, the 1st part of the patch downloads, then asks you to restart:

Then, part 2 kicks in, with the OS-specific downloader:

After which you should get the 'success' patch message:

Note that you won't be able to log in until after the weekly server maintenance has completed (Wed, AUS time), but at least you've now got the patch and are ready to go.

So what are the main highlights of the new patch?

  • Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. Patch 1.12 delivers cross-realm PvP Battlegrounds, linking Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for some brand-new challengers!
And most importantly, don't wait for an eternity to get in. Man!

  • World PvP
While the Battlegrounds will receive a major upgrade of their own, players interested in World PvP will be glad to hear that patch 1.12 will introduce a brand-new type of PvP content to the game. The stage is set for intense, objective-based land battles as Horde and Alliance vie for control over important strategic positions and resources around Azeroth. Stay tuned for more news about these new world PvP enhancements coming to World of Warcraft.

Here's the official patch changelog:

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.11.2

  • Fixed an issue where players were still being disconnected in 1.11.0 when trying to log back in within 20 seconds of a client crash.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to place special bags inside one another.
  • Applied a fix where players reported that they are sometimes unable to resurrect at their corpse.
  • Fixed a graphical error where when viewing a character from a second computer, a player who had his weapons sheathed did not appear to have any weapons on his side or back.
  • Fixed an issue where a player received a fatigue bar after a disconnection occurred during a flight path over deep water.
  • The Looking For Group channel is now defaulted off. Players will need to join the channel to access it. (/join LFG)
  • Fixed an issue where temporary weapon enhancements such as poisons would not persist after zoning or logging.
  • The tool tip for the talent Omen of Clarity now reflects its new duration of 10 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue where players with the Heart of the Wild talent were losing health each time they shifted to Bear Form or Dire Bear Form.
  • Fixed an issue where players with the Furor talent were not staying in combat mode when shifting to bear form and were losing the extra rage generated.
  • Players are no longer able to animate emotes while using Feign Death.
  • Seal of Righteousness will now benefit properly from wizard oil and other effects which give bonus damage against specific creature types.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes casting a spell immediately after a swing would prevent Seal of Command from triggering.
  • Fixed an error where Priests in Spirit of Redemption form did not benefit from plus to healing items.
  • Touch of Weakness will now work again when you have Power Word:Shield active on yourself.
  • Fixed an issue where the Improved Charge talent was incorrectly increasing the amount of rage generated by Charge.
  • Fixed an issue where the Undead female's ears clipped through the item "Polar Helmet."
  • Fixed several graphical anomalies with a female Troll wearing Dreadnaught armor.
  • Fixed an issue where the trinket "Spectral Essence" was not working inside of the castle in Caer Darrow. This was preventing players from seeing Magistrate Marduke and starting the quests he gives.
  • Fixed an error that if you try to create a Soul Shard bag while you have one equipped the materials used for the creation of the bag are consumed and the bag is placed in the inventory queue.
Raids and Dungeons
  • Fixed an error where Necro Knight Guardians in Naxxramas were sometimes causing players to crash when they cast their Blink ability.
  • Fixed an area within Warsong Gulch where a person could get stuck and was no longer targetable.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a queued player can't enter a new battleground.
User Interface
  • Using /chatwho for the Looking for Group channel should no longer disconnect players from the server.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guild Recruitment channel option could not be enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the use of "Show Target of Target" feature on a friendly target overlapped the fifth buff, making it difficult to see.
  • Fixed an error where player colored debuff icons were not displaying their correct color.
  • Fixed an error where negative effects were not causing party player portraits to pulse the effect color as indicated in the 1.11.0 patch notes.
  • Fixed a bug in 3D sound positioning that would occur in various situations, such as leveling up or standing above a body of water.

I also wonder if they're finally going to kill the fog from everywhere? Finger's crossed.
And fix the bugged quest 'Stone Of The Tides' in Stranglethorn Vale?

Remember also that all of your addons will now be effictively out of date. Whilst they should all still work, remember to tick the 'Load out of date Addons' checkbox before you go into the game.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Congratulations Acacia!

Congratulations go to Acacia for reaching Level 20 tonight!
Happy Birthday Acacia!

Screenshot of the illustrious moment here

L20 marks a significant milestone in a character's life. Not only is it one third of the way to L60, but many new items, quests, abilities and possibilities open up once you've hit 20.

Speaking for myself, and I'm sure the rest of the guild, we wish you all the best of luck for your next twenty levels, and with all of the exciting adventures yet to come your way.
We also look forward to having you alongside us in battle - we could do with a fine Mage by our side!

For those of you who don't know, Acacia's professions are Tailoring and Enchanting.
If she continues to work hard on those skills, we'll all benefit from the containers, clothes and item enchants she will be able to supply us with.

Acacia - we reckon a jug of thunderbrew ale for all is on your shout at the Lion's Pride Inn!

GRATZ from us all.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

World of Warcraft Addons

This section is designed to keep you up to date with all of the 'Addons' we use for World of Warcraft.
Check back here regularly for updates and information.

Latest Version: 3.6.1 **Updated 15 July 06**
Info: This mod is indispensable if you ever visit the Auction House. When hovering over any item in the game, a tool-tip pops up and shows you:
- Item cost from vendor
- Item sell price to vendor
- How many times it's been on the AH previously
- The historical median buyout and bid prices for the item
- Recommended bid and buyout prices for posting your own auction
- Whether the item is a reagent, consumable, etc
- How many vendors sell it
- What the item is used for (tailoring, engineering, alchemy etc)

Be sure to also grab 'Informant' from the same site.
Informant contains item information such as which items are parts of quests, vendor buyable and what the vendor prices of items are. It contains it's own database of items so even on a fresh install it's useful, and doesn't have to gather prices.

Latest Version: 2.19.1
Info: This mod places info bars at the top and bottom of your UI, providing you with a wealth of useful information at a glance, such as:
- Detailed XP/Level info
- Server-offset clock
- Skills and professions information
- PVP rankings and info
- Durability/Repair cost information
- Quick access to bags and money
- and much much more

Latest Version: 1.855 (11100)
Info: This mod adds a number of useful elements to the UI of WoW, including the ability to move various elements of the UI, add level numbers to quest entries, add coordinates to the world map, etc.
When downloading, you only need to check the following (custom):
- CT_MasterMod
- CombatStats
- CT_PartyBuffs
- CT_QuestLevels
- CT_RaidAssist

Latest Version: 4.131
Info: This mod adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above your character model, much like what already happens above your target. This means you don't have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window.

Latest Version: 1.7.5
Info: Atlas is a user interface addon for World of Warcraft that provides a number of additional maps as well as an in-game map browser. Typing the command '/atlas' or clicking the mini-map icon will open the Atlas window. The biggest plus here is that they've included detailed maps of all instances (such as Deadmines, Stockades, Gnomeregan, etc). Extremely useful and much needed.

Welcome to Guardians of the Light

Welcome to the website of the World of Warcraft guild Guardians of the Light.

GotL is a guild for friendly players, looking to band together for quests and instances.
No stress, no hardcore, just a great group of players helping each other out where they can.

GotL is a small guild, and does not invite anybody to join unless they have previously helped an existing member, and have proven themselves worthy of the Light.
We have a Guild Tabard (view) which is available for purchase from the Stormwind Visitor Centre for 1g (or less if your SW reputation is higher).

Send a whisper to Zarres in game, or leave a comment here, if you'd like to invite a new member.

Light Be With You.

Sergeant Zarres47HumanPaladinProfile