Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Gnome Brigade

Hello fellow guildies.

As you all know, we're trying to get together a foursome of fearsome Gnomes.
Rather than emailing and trying to catch up in-game, let's keep the conversations in this thread so we can work it all out easily.

To create four Gnome alts, only to be played when we are all together (or at least not to allow any more than +/- 2 lvls across the group), and to evenly spread professions across all four so we have all bases covered.

What's happened so-far?
Zarres, Tomek and Maxima have created their characters already.

MemberAlt NameClassProfession 1Profession 2
Corporal AmanaMainah
Private AcaciaMaijah
Private TomekWioletta

What we now need to do is discuss who'd like to do what, and make sure we don't double-up. It doesn't matter so much if we double-up classes, but it would be good to try and get an even spread of useful professions.

First things first, please reply (in the comments to this post) with what the name and class of your character is, and what your preferences for professions are.
I'm happy to scrap Mainah and start again if other's wanted to be a Mage, or wanted to specialise in Eng/Mining.. =)

Remember, Gnomes can only be:
  • Mage
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
We'll go from there.


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